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Welcome to CIDMEWS! For Disaster Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Remember; when disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed.

<span class='s5_boldfont'>Welcome</span> to CIDMEWS!

<span class='s5_boldfont'>For Disaster Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery</span> <span class='s5_boldfont'>Welcome</span> to CIDMEWS!

<span class='s5_boldfont'>For Disaster Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery</span>

CIDMEWS: Know Disaster, No Disaster

The more you know, the less you have to carry. The less you know, the more you have to carry. Read more

<span class='s5_boldfont'>CIDMEWS:</span> Know Disaster, No Disaster <span class='s5_boldfont'>CIDMEWS:</span> Know Disaster, No Disaster

Always Aware, Always Prepared

Emergency preparedness is a team sport

<span class='s5_boldfont'>Always Aware,</span> Always Prepared <span class='s5_boldfont'>Always Aware,</span> Always Prepared

There are disasters that are entirely man made, but none are entirely natural

<span class='s5_boldfont'>There are disasters that are entirely  man made, but none are entirely natural </span> <span class='s5_boldfont'>There are disasters that are entirely  man made, but none are entirely natural </span>

Wishing won't keep you safe, safety will

<span class='s5_boldfont'>Wishing won't keep you safe, safety will </span> <span class='s5_boldfont'>Wishing won't keep you safe, safety will </span>

There are hazards in everything one does, but there are greater hazards in doing nothing

<span class='s5_boldfont'>There are hazards in everything one does,
 but  there are greater hazards in doing nothing</span> <span class='s5_boldfont'>There are hazards in everything one does,
 but  there are greater hazards in doing nothing</span>


The Climate Information, Disaster Management and Early Warning System (CIDMEWS) has been developed by INTEGEMS for the Office of National Security - Disaster Management Department (ONS-DMD) and partner institutions (EPA-SL, SLMet, and MWR) under a UNDP funded project – Support to Communication and Dialogue on Early Warning and Forecasting Product & Climate Information Project. The system has been developed to establish a functional network of meteorological and hydrological monitoring stations to help understand better the weather and climatic changes over time and provide timely information to avert any weather and climate change-related disasters.

CIDMEWS provides a family of sophisticated tools and Web services for collecting, managing, visualizing, mapping, analysing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting on various aspects of climatological, hydro-meteorological, disaster management and early warning information in Sierra Leone to help understand better the weather and climatic changes over time, and provide timely information to avert any weather and climate change-related disasters.

Risk Knowledge

Risk knowledge & assessment provides essential information to set priorities
for mitigation and prevention strategies and designing early warning systems.

Monitoring and Predicting

Systems with monitoring and predicting capabilities provide timely estimates
of the potential risk faced by communities, economies and the environment.

Disseminating Information

Communication systems are needed for delivering warning messages
to the potentially affected locations to alert local and regional governmental agencies.
The messages need to be reliable, synthetic and simple to be understood by authorities and the public.


Coordination, good governance and appropriate action plans are key points
in effective
early warning. Likewise, public awareness and education are critical aspects of disaster mitigation.

Risk Knowledge
Monitoring and Predicting
Dissemination and Communication

NDMA Head Office

National Disaster Management Agency
64 Sir Samuel Lewis Road
Freetown Sierra Leone

Contact: +232-78-096-975